Getting Started

Welcome to the online Help System for Lexus ClearView.

This topic includes the following:

Accessing and Navigating Online Help

The graphics below are examples of topics in an online Help system

The content might look slightly different from topics the Lexus ClearView Help system.


If you are viewing a report or feature and want more information, do the following:

  1. Click the Help icon in the toolbar at the top of the web page.
    A Help topic opens providing information about the report or feature you are viewing. For example, the Main Dashboard.

  2. To access additional information, click one of the blue hyperlinks in the topic. For example, click Dashboard Widgets shown at #1 in the above graphic.
    The Dashboard Widgets topic opens.

  3. To return to the previous topic, do either of the following:
  4. To explore the entire online Help system, click the Show link as shown in #3 in the graphic shown in Step 1.
    The WebHelp window opens.

  5. Do any of the following:
  6. To close the WebHelp window, click the in the upper right corner.

Color Codes

Throughout Lexus ClearView, the following color scheme used to indicate trends in scores:


In the online Help, the term "color-coded" refers to the red, green, and amber colors scheme described above.


The same color scheme is used to indicate Customer Recommendation Scores (LRS) and comments:

Setting Hierarchy and Date Ranges

To filter report results, set hierarchy and a date range. See the following online Help topics:

Setting Hierarchy Control

Setting a Standard Date Range

Setting a Custom Date Range

Report Navigation

Use the following navigation tip for viewing reports.

  1. If you view a report and want to see more detail, click blue text or blue numbers.
    A different report opens displaying additional information about the text or number you clicked.
    For example, if you are viewing the Closed Loop List, click a customer's name in a blue font, and the Customer History page opens for the customer you selected.
  2. To return to the original report, for example, to return to the Closed Loop List, click the button on the toolbar or use the menu.


See also:

Setting a Date Range

Setting Hierarchy Control